There are 87,000 international students enrolled in Canadian higher education. International student enrolment grew from 159,426 in 2003 to over 290,000 in 2013– an 84% increase. Of all full -time international students in programme Canada, 67% are enrolled in an undergraduate, whereas 33% are postgraduates. With the costly amount of international tuition fees, international students began to encounter serious financial risks in the completion of their studies. Some of the problems encountered include:
• obtaining money for living expenses,
• obtaining money for tuition fees,
• arranging for funds transfer from their home country
• providing proof of sufficient funds to the Canadian authorities to enrol for studies in Canada.
The students that suffer the highest risk to completing their education are as follows: Students from Oceania (13%) and Sub Saharan Africa (12%).
The table below provides an average summary of student expenditure for which assistance is required:

“Cost of education is one of the factors affecting an international student’s choice of study destination. In the Economic Impact of Post-Secondary International Students in Atlantic Canada…” ( The Economic Impact of International Education Report commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canada). Canada derives $8B annually from international student expenditures including tuition and living expenses. In 2009, the presence of international students created over 83,000 jobs and generated more than $291M in government revenue to Canada. However, an insignificant element of that surplus revenue goes into financing international student education.
To address these issues, The Casa Foundation Scholarships will provide scholarships to eligible international students in Canada.